Keypunch - significado y definición. Qué es Keypunch
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Qué (quién) es Keypunch - definición

n. to operate a keypunch
¦ noun a device for transferring data by means of punched holes or notches on a series of cards or paper tape.
¦ verb transfer (data) to a keypunch.
keypuncher noun
A keypunch is a device for precisely punching holes into stiff paper cards at specific locations as determined by keys struck by a human operator. Other devices included here for that same function include the gang punch, the pantograph punch, and the stamp.


A keypunch is a device for precisely punching holes into stiff paper cards at specific locations as determined by keys struck by a human operator. Other devices included here for that same function include the gang punch, the pantograph punch, and the stamp.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Keypunch
1. This was a programming drum for an IBM keypunch, the 026, 029.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence _ Paul Horowitz _ Talks at Google